Thursday 21 May 2015

Miss Charli, Yesterday


 You absolutely adorable, cheeky monkey of a child! I honestly cannot truly express, just how much I love you, but yes - I do try!  Everyday I look at you in absolute wonder and marvel at how the heck I made you with my body and how much you have grown in these last two years! Time has simply vanished, just yesterday I was flooding the bathroom, shaving my legs in labour, yesterday I was counting to 100 during my contractions, thinking adoption would be fantastic next time around. Just yesterday I was crying from cracked nipples and the lack of knowledge for keeping one human infant alive. Yesterday your poo and vomit gloriously splashed upon every single surface and article of clothing we owned. Just yesterday we were finally breastfeeding like champions, you smiled your first smile, and laughed your first hearty baby giggle. Yesterday you were face planting the ground because you wanted to crawl but couldn't, yesterday you took your first bites of food, your first steps and you turned one. Yesterday you said you loved me for the first time, yesterday you kissed me back for the first time. Yesterday you gave me the warmest most tightest, most amazing hug, yesterday you asked if I was alright, yesterday you started giving me two year old sass. Yesterday you made me realize I am the happiest I have ever been and you are growing up far too quickly, so yesterday we went and took some photos of you at the park. I had to bribe you with chocolate and in return I got these beautiful moments of what will forever feel like yesterday and a giant mosquito bite on the butt! Baby, you are one heck of a human and I love living life with you!

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Shawn & Shari

Want to be introduced to two absolutely wonderful humans?... well here you go! Shawn and Shari are such loving, generous, strong, amazing people and I am so so so happy they asked me to photograph them! Shawn, as you may of guessed is pretty handy with a guitar and has one hell of a voice (though he likes to keep that quiet). Shari is exploding with creative ideas and glorious creations not to mention she cooks amazing Mexican! They are awesomesauce and the mac to each others cheese!
I am so glad they found each other in this big wide world! xxx